Tuesday 10 August 2010

Hearing aid moulds

I hate my hearing aid moulds!  There I’ve said it.  They really are the most uncomfortable lumps of plastic in the entire universe.
So what have two lumps of plastic done to become so offensive and become the object of total inane hatred, I hear you ask?  (Well, actually I cannot coz I’ve taken the hearing aids off).
The answers are:
They are made from hard plastic and they have never fitted properly and they cause my hearing aids to whistle constantly, which is annoying in the extreme!
They don’t let your ears breathe and therefore they become sweaty and itchy all the time.  Because of this bacteria love residing in my nice, sweaty, warm lug holes and this produces the most disgusting smell.
Lastly, to crown their anti-social nature, I’ve now become allergic to the plastic that the damn things are made from. As a result I now have this burning itch in my ears all the time.  If they were people they would be given an ASBO!
I understand that I can get new Hypoallergenic (gosh that’s a big word) moulds from my local audiology clinic and have been waiting 6 months for an appointment.
I cannot wait for the day when I can take a 5lb hammer to my current ones!

Thursday 5 August 2010

Don’t you just HATE your friends when you are skint and they send you a photograph by SMS of their holiday and to make things even worse, they’ve gone to somewhere you really love.

Wednesday 4 August 2010

Another policy shot from the hip.  I really wish the ConDems would engage their brains before they engage their mouths. 
My grandparents moved into their new council house in 1924, which was on an estate (or scheme as it was called in Scotland) was built as part of the “Homes fit for Heroes” campaign after the First World War.  Tenants were mainly ex-service men, like my grandfather, and their new families.  My grandparents were very proud of their new home, as were their neighbours and looked after their houses and their estate.
The estate was still well looked after when my Grandfather died in 1988.
How does Camoron expect to maintain the same level of social cohesion in areas of social housing as in the example stated above, unless we continue to give social housing tenants life-long tenure over their homes? 
This new proposal will only create more social problems in these areas as tenants will not develop pride in their communities.