Saturday 29 September 2007

Non-Disabled People's Unreasonable Expectations

I'm really pissed off with the attitude of non-disabled people.

They expect disabled people to compete with them on an equal bases on terms of their choosing and they call this equality - bollocks! Equality is about creating a level playing field so that everyone can join in the game.

So what has put me in this mood, well it is a company called Permtemps. My partner Alison works for these cretins who's idea of equality is to treat all their employees like shit - equally!

Alison has Cerebral Palsy, she is a wheelchair user, she also has Spacial Difficulties and Dyslexia. She works in a call centre where they handle calls for British Gas, which could not really be any worse! Permtemps are winging at Alison because she is performing at less than 95% of whatever 100% is. Apparently her average is about 84%. Now lets put that into the real world.

If someone gets 84% in a degree course at University, they would get a First Class Honours Degree. If when your on performance related pay you score 84%, you get the top bonus.

Permtemps have not made any adjustment to Alison's workstation to accommodate her impairments.

Instead they are threatening to discipline her for under performing. So much for equality of opportunity.

I think it is time to start looking for a new job Ali darling!

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